Sunday, 16 October 2011


'Once upon a time, there was a girl who decided to stay in university a bit longer than most. While she was there, she found that she was encouraged to blog about elements relating to the course. Having no idea how to do that, she decided that perhaps it was time to stop reading blogs and perhaps start writing some of her own.

But before she could venture off into this strange new world, it was perhaps best to introduce herself to those who might choose to read it...'

My name is Laura and I'm a Publishing Studies student at the University of Stirling. Ever wondered exactly what the point of a publisher is, or even what they do? This blog is an opportunity for me to explain to you exactly how my course works and just maybe, allow some of you to understand what the people behind the pages actually do to get those shiny books and e-books to the stage where you are reading them.

And also the occasional ramblings that might or might not be related, who knows?

Don't tell anyone, but these aren't as scary as you think!
This is not an advert for aspiring writers to contact me and ask if I will publish them. I'm just learning myself and there are certain channels that one must go through in order to get a respectable publisher or agent. My blog and I are not one of those channels.

But feel free to join me at any time.

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