Thursday, 27 December 2012


So Christmas has come and gone for another year and all too soon we shall be entering 2013. Which makes this a good opportunity to look back on the last year and consider what has happened and what has been learned.

2012 was definitely a game changer in my life. Oh I graduated and started my publishing course in 2011 but this was the year where I completed and earned my postgraduate degree. I have those photos to prove I was there and the certificate that tells me and everyone who cares to know, that I am an MLitt (Master of Letters). It doesn't matter the amount of work you do to achieve something, the day you finally get it is the day you will remember. Unless, perhaps, you are me. While the graduation was something to remember, I was given a chance to do the one thing I wanted when I walked in the door for the Christmas holidays; celebrate with my family.

But what about my personal and professional life? Well, both received a bit of a shake when I started my new job in October and let me tell you, after the last year, I still find it incredibly startling to know that the financial side of things is more or less sorted. Every student will tell you that life is difficult financially. You need to skrimp and save as much as you can, or blow it all on nights out. You rely on a loan to help you survive. But it is almost harder to do this as a postgrad. Loans are not as readily available and it does become a struggle. It's one of the reasons why so few people do what I did, and start another degree so soon after the first one. I was lucky. And when the paycheck comes in, I feel even more lucky.

But of course, I am not the only one who has been affected by the last 12 months.

The world sat up and watched the Olympics and Paralympics in London this year. We watched our athletes with pride and admiration. We saw the superhumans achieving remarkable feats.Some were doing things that had never been attempted before (either by the games or their own countries). Some people were doing something they had been doing for many years, trying to improve on past performance. And others were doing something for the last time, choosing to step back after a long career.

We saw the best and worst of humanity exposed.

We cheered for successes, groaned at feats of stupidity and mourned tragic losses.

We saw hard work and creativity pay off and we saw others fail to do what they should have done.

I know there are many who would prefer to forget everything that happened in 2012 because it was hard or difficult or painful. To them I say, 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pain you have gone through/are going through. I'm sorry that things are not easy and I'm sorry that you are struggling.' For them, I hope that the next year is easier. I hope that the struggle pays off and that they can keep going despite everything.

For now, all I can do is offer them a hug and a promise that things will get better.

Truth be told? I see 2012, not as a year to remember, but as a year of survival and change. The end of the world came and went and we are still here.

Happy New Year everyone. May it grant you everything you need and may all your struggles be rewarded.

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